सा विद्या या विमुक्तये।
(That is knowledge which liberates)
A busting campus filed with eager students. Among them, a determine law students carrying a stack of textbook system, walks with purpose.
We promote our students to shapes our society, one student embarks on a journey of knowledge, justice and self discovery.
Our library provides a lot of sits at a desk, surrounded by piles of books. Eyes focused, pen in hand, the upcoming aspirant dive in to the complexities of legal theory.
The law student engages in lively debates, their pension for justice igniting sparks of inspiration in their classmate. In the class room, they don’t just learn the law, they breathe life into if, challenging norms, and advocating for change.
Our college students lift to stand confidently before a judge, presenting a compelling argument with unwavering conviction.
The law student walks across the stages, diploma in hand, a smile of accomplishment gracing their face and they receive their degree, they know that this is not just the end of their academic journey but the beginning of a lifelong commitment to justice and equity before law for a society.
Surrounded by supportive teachers and faculties thereby students find the courage to pursue their dreams, knowing that every step they take brings them closer to their goal.
Our college campus is entering the gates of academia; the students are embarking on a journey of instinctual growth, felled by a thirst for understanding and a hunger for justice to need.
There is a discussion absorbing knowledge like a sponge and questioning the status quo campus.

Dr. Prakash Chandra Dhal
Director, AGI, Angul